Join together in song, under the talented direction of our Musical Director, Sarah Widomski. Please see Sarah after Mass with any questions or if you would like to become a member of our choir or if you have a child who would like to join the children's choir.
Regular altar servers are boys and girls who have received their First Eucharist who assist the priest during the liturgy. If interested, please contact the Coordinator of Religious Education for more info. Senior altar servers are needed as well to serve in the absence of regular altar servers especially during weekday mornings for funerals. A great way to serve your parish if you are retired. Please contact Fr. Joe for training if interested.
A short course (1 hour) preparing parents for the formation of their child’s faith required for parents of a first child who wish to schedule a Baptism. Please call the office if you would like to serve in this ministry.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who serve the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass and to the sick and homebound. Must be mandated by the Diocese.
Ministers of the Word who proclaim the Scriptures at Mass and other services. Must be mandated by the Diocese to serve.
Coordinator: Rayna Salemme 203-231-1619.
Volunteers who greet warmly all those who enter for Mass and who also assist people to their seat if necessary. They help take up the collection by passing the basket. Coordinator: Mark Ciuchta
Members of the Altar Society prepare for liturgies by cleaning/pressing linens, cleaning the sanctuary and altar, setting up and providing fresh flowers as well as decorating the Church for holidays and events. Coordinator: Pat Geissler 203-929-7946
All adults in ministries, those in parish societies and volunteers in any area are required by the Diocesan Office of Safe Environments to complete the "Protecting God's Children" program. Click here for info.
“Keep your heart in peace and let nothing trouble you, not even your faults.
You must humble yourself and amend them peacefully, without being
discouraged or cast down, for God’s dwelling is in peace.”
— Margaret Mary Alacoque