Mass Intentions

-Please visit the church office or call to schedule intentions (during regular office hours only - voice messages will not be returned as it is necessary to speak directly to us when scheduling). Email submissions for intentions are not accepted.

-If you have scheduled intentions over the phone, you may bring in, mail or place your donation in the offertory basket during Mass. (Please make sure it is in an envelope separate from your regular contribution and clearly marked with your name and what it's for).

-The record book for Masses, sanctuary candles and flowers will open for each year in the week immediately following Easter of the prior year.

Memorial Masses

Memorial Masses may be in honor of, in memory of or in thanksgiving. Your Mass intention will be listed in the bulletin of the prior week and will be announced at Mass.

Customary donation $10

Sanctuary Candle

The Sanctuary Candle burns continuously to signify the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament housed in the tabernacle. Your intention will cover the 7 days from Saturday through the following Friday and will be announced at weekend Masses.

Customary donation $10

Memorial Flowers

You may choose to memorialize a loved one by defraying the Church's cost for altar flowers in their name for your chosen week. Your loved one's name will be announced at weekend Masses.

Fee $25

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