St. Margaret Mary Men's League

Mission Statement:

The object of the STMM Men's League shall be to unify the men of the parish for the purposes of:

  1. Fostering the broader spiritual growth of each member;
  2. Developing closeness to the parish through an awareness of its needs, its purposes and wishes;
  3. Serving the parish in whatever way called upon whenever possible;
  4. ​Providing for our men an opportunity to meet for the exchange of ideas and development of friendships.

  • Parish assistance projects
  • ​​​​​​​running Bingo/Bingo kitchen (major fundraiser for parish upkeep/improvements)
  • installing outdoor Christmas lighting and creche
  • building committee
  • 1st Sunday of the month coffee and donuts after Masses to promote fellowship
  • ​organizing and cooking for parish picnic 
  • administering the parish raffle
  • Donations
  • ​Birmingham Group "Bowl to Benefit" victims of violence and the Wesley Village "Festival of Trees"
  • annual veterans coat drive
  • scholarship for a young male parishioner furthering his education ​​
  • Annual Retreat for members
  • Monthly dinner meetings
  • Deceased members plaque located in the church hall

*If you are interested in joining the Men's League, please call President, Ed Veillette @ 203-258-9782


All adults in ministries, those in parish societies and volunteers in any area, are required by the Diocesan Office of Safe Environments to complete the "Protecting God's Children" program. Click here for info.

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